5 Biggest Wedding Expenses Mistakes to Avoid When Planning a Wedding


As a newbie to planning a wedding, you may have heard the Biggest Wedding expenses. There are several mistakes that can be made during planning your wedding. This topic will list some of the top ones. You will learn how to avoid them so you can save money in the long run. If you avoid these mistakes, it will be easier for you to stay within your budget. Let’s go over some of the biggest mistakes you should avoid:

1. Booking too many rooms

The first mistake that many couples make is booking too many rooms. When you are planning your wedding, you need to allot about 30 % of your total room rental for your guest list. If you do not plan for this number, you will have to book extra rooms. Keep in mind that having too many guests is like inviting thieves into the house and they will most likely not stay for long.

2. Avoid is underestimating the number of your guests

The second mistake that you need to avoid is underestimating the number of your guests. It is better to overestimate than underestimating because it will make it difficult for you to book all the necessary places. When this happens, you will not only be surprised when it comes to the cost but you also won’t be able to get the best deals for your wedding.

3.Wedding reception

The third mistake that you have to avoid is making mistakes with your wedding reception. It is common to make mistakes when you plan your wedding. The wedding reception is the place where all your guests will gather and that is why you have to make it perfect.

4.Wedding reception decorations

Another mistake that you have to avoid is underestimating the amount of your wedding reception decorations. The budget you set will be able to cover everything, from the wedding invitations to the wedding reception decorations. Do not be cheap with your wedding decorations and leave some parts of your wedding reception decoration budget in the hands of your friends or family members. If you do so, you will not only be disappointed with the results of your wedding, you may never be able to get the money to take care of the decoration.

4.Over confident with your wedding budget

The fourth mistake that you have to avoid is getting over confident with your wedding budget. If you already have a rough idea about how much you want to spend for your wedding, you are probably under thinking whether you have done enough research on the wedding reception place. If you feel like you have done enough research, then you can start working on the budget. But if you don’t feel that you have done enough research, then you may still go for a less expensive wedding reception place and make more money out of it.

5. Underestimating the amount of your wedding expenses

The fifth mistake that you have to avoid is underestimating the amount of your wedding expenses. This is a big mistake because when you put a price tag on your wedding, you will be shocked at the expenses that you will incur. Some brides will make the mistake of underestimating the costs of the wedding and they will find out later that they have spent a lot more money than they planned. In order to make sure that you don’t make this mistake, you need to do as much research as you can, so you will know the exact cost of your wedding.

These are just some of the mistakes to avoid when planning a wedding. There are many more, and one of the best ways to make sure that you really know what you are spending on is to ask for estimates from various wedding consultants. These consultants will be very familiar with all the wedding expenses that you need to plan, and they won’t make any mistakes with their estimates. So don’t make the mistake of underestimating the cost of your wedding, and always seek estimates from the most reliable wedding consultants.